Thursday, January 23, 2014

Discussing the movie



What do you think about the main character? Describe Phil's personality.

What did you like about the film? What is its main idea in your view?


  1. I can't describe the hero, because every day he is a new man. Of all the days he tried to become anyone. Every day he experienced different feelings of pain,joy,omnipotence. One day he is cheerful,active,caring. Another day sassy,selfish,and lost. My opinion is the Main idea of this film - the World does not care HOW much TIME the person who builds itself person takes his Training. A person will be born again and again, and re-start your way of Incarnations, until he learns to do EVERYTHING exactly and beautiful, do not learn to VALUE EACH PERSON AND to SEE IN a SIMPLE SENSE AND BEAUTY.

    1. I like your point of view, especially the words 'learn to VALUE EACH PERSON'. We all need to learn it.
      Perhaps you mean 'reincarnation'? The main character is reincarnated in a different person by the end of the film.

  2. First of all, it is a qualified specialist. At the same time he shows interest to all others, regardless of their social position. He sees all around people more than all the others. Understands their concerns and interests. All he does is not for his own self and for others. Knowing about the misfortunes of the people, he tries to prevent them. He develops a musical instrument, learns more science and literature only to understand others and like it. He purposeful, caring, loving and trustworthy man. He was the idol of all the inhabitants of a small town.

  3. I absolutely agree with Nick and Lesha. The main character is different every day. At the beginning of the film Phil appears to us as a selfish person, who doesn't care about other people and thinks only about himself,so we can say, that he was not a very good person. During a couple if days he changes in a better person. He becomes very thoughtful person,who puts problems of society higher than his own problems. He becomes cheerful and kind person ,maybe that's why his fate sends him these test, desiring Phil to change his life.

    1. Good idea about the test. Life sometimes gives us tests to show us who we are and what we can.

  4. I agree with Maria, Nick and Lesha that the main character is different every day :)

    At the beginning of the movie he is very arrogant. He thinks he is the cleverest, the most beautiful (in other words the best of all his acquaintances and friends) and a little trip to the small town is not for him as he is a star in his eyes. I can see he is also confident, a bit cheeky and bossy, ...and selfish, and insensitive, and a very-very awful man at first! I guess he becomes so bad that even time can not stand him anymore and tries to change him. It isn't easy but possible as we see: he turns into a kind, intelligent, sensitive, friendly,talented man.

    1. Time can't stand him anymore ... An interesting interpretation.

      Do you think it is possible to change so cardinally in our real life?

  5. At first we can see very wicked, gloomy and impudent Phil, who couldn't believe that he lived the same day every day. But when he began to change himself, his day and things which happening during the day, we can see the difference. He became more generous, reasonable, talented and, of course, romantic, because of his love to Rita. And then, when he became such person, his life became better too. So, we should think about our personality and if we will change something in our soul you will change all around you.
